The Sultan of Sulu & The Sultan of Sabah, as Head of the Sultanate and Official Guest of Honor of the MNLF 40th Year Foundation & Bangsamoro Freedom Day Celebration18 March 2008
Mr. Chairman, Distinguished MNLF Dignitaries and Honored Guests.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, We thank the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) for inviting us today as the Official Guest of Honor on this historic MNLF Freedom Day celebration.
Our warm greetings to our illustrious MNLF chairman and founder, Datu Professor Haji Maas Nur P. Misuari, to the senior commanders and generals and to the MNLF freedom fighters and soldiers, all Tausug warriors, sons of the Unconquered Kingdom, sons of the Royal Hashemite Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah, you made our Sultanate proud. You are the true courageous and victorious sons of our great ancestors as you kept faith with us all through centuries, protecting and defending our way of life, arts and culture, customs and traditions and our proud Sultanate against invaders and those imposing their will on us.
You are also the brave and loyal sons of the great Sultans of Sulu & Sabah from Sultan Sharieful Hashem Abu Bakr in 1457 (the first Sultan) to Sultan Jamalul Kiram the First who reigned in 1823 to 1844, the originator of the family line of the Royal Kiram Sultans, our beloved Royal Kiram ancestor, and to our dear departed father and your loving Sultan, Sultan Muhammad Esmail E. Kiram the First who ruled from 1947 to 1973, then to our beloved brother Sultan Mahakuttah Abdulla Kiram who was our Sultan from 1974 to 1986, and finally We are proud to say you are our abiding sons and together, we face the challenges of the modern world, with the same degree of courage, bravery and valor of the same Tausug warriors of yesteryears, ready, willing and able to defend and protect our Sultanate and your Sultan against all enemies.
Today, in this gathering, we ask our Almighty Allah to continue blessings of abundance to our Sultanate, the MNLF and our people. Our challenges today are numerous. All of us face tremendous obstacles that will test our resolve as descendants of Tausug warriors who fought and died for our Sultanate.
We face today many evil hands and evil hearts who want to dismantle and destroy our Sultanate, like the fake sultans who fool and divide our people and the outside world, claiming the sacred position and title of Sultan without rights, un-Islamic and Haram.
We face the continuing illegal occupation of Sabah by Malaysia of our Sabah property that the Sultanate of Sulu owned since 1658. You are all aware that Sabah and the island of Palawan were gifts to us and the Sultanate of Sulu by our Royal cousin the Sultan of Brunei also in 1658.
It is our stated policy that the illegal Malaysian occupation of Sabah must end and that Sabah must be returned to the good people of the Sultanate of Sulu.
We urge Malaysia in the name of Islam, decency and fairness, to return Sabah to the Sultanate of Sulu to redress the 45 years of Malaysian illegal occupation of Sabah since 1963, so that from the Sabah gross domestic product (GDP) of US$100 Billion per year, we can provide and solve the lack of hospitals and medicines, schools, housing for the widows and orphans, drinking water, electricity and power, and other non-existent essential social and economic developments, badly needed by our people.
We also urge the brave MNLF to be more vigilant in the face of those many elements wanting to divide the MNLF, for to divide and weaken the MNLF is to divide and weaken our beloved Sultanate.
Our enemies know that the MNLF is the only force and solid group that can face up to any threat or ploy to dismember and destroy our Sultanate. We remind the valorous MNLF to guard against fake sultans who are funded by a foreign government, like Kudar Julaspi and Rodinood Julaspi, who we heard signed a manifesto that in exchange for money and funds that they support the illegal occupation of Sabah by Malaysia.
It is also known many fake sultans were installed like Pulalun and Bahjin, by a foreigner. Other fake sultans also installed themselves. The false sultans are easily recognized. They are not sons or heirs of our beloved father HM Sultan Muhammad Esmail E. Kiram I (Sultan 1947-1973). These actions of installing fake sultans point to only one sure direction, to weaken and destroy our Sultanate. Why?
Because the position and title of Sultan is the most sacred and central meaning of our Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah, as the Sultan is the Head of the Sultanate and the Head of Islamic Religion for nearly 600 years, so to erode and weaken the Sultanate will be to erode and weaken and/ or destroy the position and title of Sultan that will lead to our enemies succeed in their evil designs to divide, rule and conquer us.
We, as sons of our beloved Sultanate, must reject and disdain all of these fake sultans because they are Trojan Horses, given to us to destroy us – forever! These fake sultans do the bidding of their paymasters and not to protect the welfare and well-being of our people.
Another challenge we face together is our fear and reality that our Tausug language is now eroded and if not halted will lead to its final extinction and death. Due to the influence of other cultures and languages our Tausug language is no longer spoken widely or taught in the Sultanate.
Our Tausug language is the center of our arts and culture, customs and traditions of our people, and without our Tausug language we will stop to exist as true sons and daughters of our Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah.
That is why, as Sultan, it is our primary duty to speak our Tausug language on today’s gathering because our Tausug language sets us apart as a proud and unique people of our Unconquered Kingdom.
We urge and seek assistance of the United Nations to help the Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah to protect its identity as a minority group by protecting the Tausug language from extinction.
This plea for help was heeded by the League of Nations in 1921 (that became the United Nations) when it gave protection to the Aland Soumi people in Finland. As a result the Aland Soumi people preserved their own Swedish language while the whole of Finland speaks Finnish.
Furthermore, the Aland islands enjoy autonomy protectorate status in Finland as they have their own parliament, own government, provide services to Alanders, Swedish is the official language of Aland use by government and taught in schools, it has its own police and army, collects taxes, issues own passports to Alanders, and can veto international agreement of Finland if it affects the welfare of Aland Soumi people, and lastly Aland belongs to the Nordic Council (a grouping of regional nations of Nordic origins) without interference from Finland.
Proof: The Aland Soumi Parliament had to ratify the proposal for Finland to join the European Union. The Aland Soumi autonomy protectorate status is short of outright independence but much much better than a mere autonomy. Aland Soumi is an example of an autonomy protectorate but not to be taken as a role model.
We pray one day that our Tausug language shall be the official language of the government and for the Tausug language to be taught in schools in the Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah along with other languages like Malay, English, European languages and Pilipino.
We welcome the possibility of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Philippines signing a peace agreement, but we must not agree and not allow that in any peace agreement between the two, that the Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah be promised as area of jurisdiction of the MILF, as the Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah is the land of the Tausugs, the Samals, the Badjaos and other indigenous traditional peoples but not the members of the MILF who are from Central Mindanao far away from Sulu, Basilan, Tawi-Tawi, Zamboanga, Palawan and Sabah.
We hope and pray that the MNLF and MILF shall become one organization once more dedicated to peace and peaceful co-existence with others.
It is our official policy with full and absolute support of our stalwart MNLF that we foster, pursue and enhance Peace and Order, Unity, Harmony and Stability, leading to Prosperity of our people in our beloved Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah, the Philippines, and the region.
We also hope and pray that the 1996 Peace Treaty between the MNLF and the Philippines shall be fully implemented by the government of the Philippines, and we urge the Philippines to release Datu Prof. Haji Maas Nur P. Misuari from his detention under house arrest so he can continue to work for peace and order in the Southern Philippines unhindered and unimpeded.
We salute the courageous MNLF and the Revered Martyrs of the MNLF who gave their lives in the defense of the Bangsamoro People, our Sultanate and our way of life.
We miss and cry for them who died but we also delight in the knowledge that their supreme sacrifice is not in vain, as today they are the exalted ones of Allah, and they watch over us to continue the unfinished struggle to make the Sultanate of Sulu and Sabah the cradle of democracy and freedom for our people and future generations to come.
Our Great Sultan, when crowned the 27th Reigning Sultan in 1823, His Majesty Sultan Jamalul Kiram the First uttered his haunting challenge to the Tausug warriors, the Royal Datus, the Darus Sharifs and the proud people of the Sultanate: “In your hands lie the bright future of our children yet unborn, be worthy of yourselves and build a strong Sultanate.”
So we ask each one of you proud sons and descendants of Sultan Jamalul Kiram the First, did you take on his God given challenge to provide a bright future for his children? Did we build a strong Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah? If we are to answer him honestly, we will say “Your Majesty Sultan Jamalul Kiram the First, yes we took on your challenge. We fought Spain and never surrendered, and In 1898 our Sultanate was fraudulently sold by Spain to the U.S.A. in the Treaty of Paris, but in reality Spain did not conquer or control our Sultanate, thereafter with this unlawful Treaty we were occupied by the Americans but we remained true, and in 1899 the Americans to close the loophole of the 1898 Treaty of Paris in the Article ceding/ selling our Sultanate compelled our beloved Sultan, Sultan Jamalul Kiram the Second to sign the 20 August 1899 Bates Treaty that placed our Sultanate as a United States Protectorate and guaranteed its sovereignty under the U.S.A., but lo and behold U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 singularly terminated the Bates Treaty but as per Law of Treaties and International Law no one party to a treaty can terminate a treaty without the knowledge or consent of the other party. Your Majesty based on historical facts and International Law our Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah is still a sovereign state to this day.”
“Then the Japanese came to conquer but we slew them on our beaches, on our plains and mountains, in towns and cities and in forbidding places in the Sultanate till they retreated and never came back. But in 1946 against our will and without our consent as a people we were annexed and amalgamated to the newly created Republic of the Philippines and this annexation and amalgamation without people’s consent contravened the Charter of the United Nations making such act null and void ab initio.”
“Yes we took on the challenge when in 1968 we founded and joined the Moro National Liberation Front against the dictatorship of Ferdinand E. Marcos to liberate our Bangsamoro Homeland. We continue your challenge when in 1996 we signed a Peace Treaty with the Philippines and we remained true to that Treaty as we aspire for Peace and Harmony in our Homeland not only because it is Right but also it is the central teaching and personification of Allah.”
“Your Majesty, we took on your challenge even in the face of many adversities, trials and tribulations that tested our resolve as a people, but we never gave up and we never surrender and today we repeat to you with respect that your challenge is on going as we know our children do not have the future and strong Sultanate you predicted. But we will continue with all our strength, spirit and might that are humanly possible given to us to reach the goals of a bright future and a strong Sultanate.”
“But we promise you and we promise His Majesty Sultan Muhammad Fuad Abdulla Kiram the First, The Sultan of Sulu & The Sultan of Sabah, Allah’s anointed successor as our Royal Kiram Sultan, that we will continue your challenge, we will continue our fight and dedicated struggle against poverty, against disunity brought on by our enemies, and we will build a strong Sultanate worthy of respect and recognition by the international community without the specter of terrorism and extremism as our Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah will be a sanctuary of peace and prosperity for all our children and our descendants. So help us Allah.”
We are proud to be here today as the 35th Reigning Sultan of Sulu & Sabah and We say to you we will not abandon the challenge of our great ancestor. Together we will be worthy of our proud history and legacy and to hold our heads high and truly say here today we renew our vow and commitment that we will take the challenge for a better future and better tomorrow for our long suffering people and our beloved Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah.
Together we will provide a better future for our children, together we will march on with the brave and valiant MNLF and we will create and continue to build a strong Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah. This is our pledge and vow echoed and renewed here today in front of Allah and this congregation.
We have many problems and obstacles but together and united those problems will be surmounted and will disappear. With us and the loyal MNLF together and undivided and as solid as a rock, we will overcome and we will succeed. There is a saying “where desert of sand ends green grass grows. Yes indeed, even if our problems maybe likened to a desert the end is near and our green grass awaits.”
Valiant MNLF soldiers and brave sons of the Sultanate keep faith with us as we keep faith with you and together we will carry on the challenge with trust in Allah and trust in one another, our hour of success and victory and the day of our New Dimension is near and not far away.
We, as your Sultan with our Royal Cabinet, our Royal Ministers, Royal Grand Panglimas and Panglimas and all our supporters everywhere, do say that we dedicate our life, strength and all our might to the attainment of the success of this challenge as enshrined by our Sultan Jamalul Kiram the First in 1823.
Today, we remember the brave and valorous MNLF soldiers alive and dead who willingly against all odds kept faith with this challenge without regard for their safety with many paying the ultimate sacrifice of death for our Sultanate and Bangsamoro people.
Many are buried in many distant places away from their loved ones with recognized markers and many without signs. Many are unknown for they died without being identified in many lonely and desolate places, but they did not die in vain, for today we all remember them as our brothers and sisters who departed to clear and show the way for our people to follow. Let us not dispossess their incomparable sacrifice by not staying on the course of this sacred challenge. Let us not disappoint them, let us continue without hesitation so that victory and success will be ours.
Our forefathers and our Martyrs died but they became our light in the darkest nights of our continuing struggle and battle that surely even if night may be upon us but the dawn of light and day will come once more. This is the law of nature that cannot be reversed and we must learn from nature as expounded by Sun Tzu, the greatest ancient Chinese military strategist and tactician who said: “Be like the wind with a gentle and soothing breeze but gathering gale force energy to become a tornado or hurricane. Be like the water calm and gentle as it flows in brooks and streams but unstoppable force as it gains momentum cascading into the might of a waterfall.”
We repeat, let us learn and mimic the force of wind and water and use it to our full advantage to deliver a bright future and a strong Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah. Our ancient forefathers and our exalted brave and courageous MNLF soldiers, both living and dead, are sentinels of our spirit of commitment and dedication to continue the challenge of our beloved Great Sultan, Sultan Jamalul Kiram the First, to provide a better future for our children and to build a strong Sultanate.
Let us proceed with determination not when circumstances are favorable but even when the times are not favorable let us keep faith and continue for nothing has succeeded without some problems being solved. Together as one people and one nation united, let us work on this challenge with unflinching and unyielding spirit and determination till victory is achieved and attained. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!
His Majesty Sultan Muhammad Fuad Abdulla Kiram IThe Sultan of Sulu & The Sultan of Sabah